Jahia + Widen = Marketing Stacks are Built, not Bought


I joined Jahia 14 months ago. It feels a lot longer. Maybe it’s because I’ve been able to see first-hand how much we’ve grown our platform in that time. From adding a truly insane amount of features to partnering with other technologies that further enhance our capabilities across the board, we’ve shown the industry time-and-again what a true DXP is capable of. Namely, to empower marketers to build marketing technology stacks specific to their needs, rather than buying a suite wholesale and hoping that it, well, works. 

Our new partnership with Widen is no different. 

For those unfamiliar, Widen is a digital asset management (DAM) and product information management (PIM) software solution that started as a plate-engraving business for printing presses back in the 1940’s. I bring this up not because we partnered with them to get into the newspaper business (we didn’t), but rather because Widen has made it their business over the last eight decades to identify technological trends in the market and adapt to meet those needs. Similar to Jahia, they are focused on innovation and a customer-first ideology.

Both of our organizations know the struggles companies face regarding content management. You need to be able to quickly and easily access content, analyze its effectiveness, update it when necessary, and keep track of changes over time. As such, there are a lot of pieces that go into making the process as seamless as possible. By pairing Jahia with Widen, we’ve been able to bring the best features of both our technologies together to empower our shared users throughout the content management process.    

When we first discussed partnering with Widen, we considered how our customers used Jahia. Our CMS capabilities are well-known within the industry — we even won an award for it — so content management was already a core strength of our platform. But we also recognized how diverse the use cases were for customers on our platform, and how their needs varied, even within a single organization, based on their functions. Widen’s DAM capabilities offered a huge opportunity that many of our customers could benefit from, whether they knew it or not.

Ultimately, our goal is to ensure our customers can use our platform to build their ideal marketing solution. It’s not a question of one technology making-or-breaking that design, but rather hundreds of smaller technologies working together to deliver something greater than the sum of its parts. Offering Widen as part of our larger DXP capabilities is just another piece of that, and one that we are proud to bring to the fore!

Rachel Bland
Rachel Bland

Vice President, Product Management-UX at Jahia.
5th grade virtual school parent and 2020 survivor
