Customer engagement. Simpler.

Jahia DXP empowers marketers to test, evaluate, and optimize every digital interaction.

  • Individualized customer experiences
  • Better conversion rates
  • Personalization and A/B Testing at your fingertips


The right content, for the right audience

  • Personalize content items and pages based on built-in real time customer data platform

  • Use rich data set: page views, URL parameters, CRM integration, forms to personalize any interaction

  • Scale your approach with dynamic segments and scoring plans

  • Rely on control groups to measure your ROI

  • Fully available in Headless thanks to our personalized content GraphQL API or in Traditional mode

More about Customer Data Management

A/B testing

Experiment & optimize with A/B Tests
  • A/B test individual content items or full pages

  • Weight traffic allocation for each content variant

  • Fully available in Headless or Traditional mode

  • Analyze conversion rates for each variant, drill down on devices, segments and more


Relevant metrics, where you need them
  • Jahia's analytics capabilities deliver relevant metrics and dashboards to digital marketers, while they’re working on their content

  • Get all the metrics you need about your referrers, UTM parameters, geolocation, devices, browsers, site searches, forms and CRM data

  • Benefit from profile and session centric data, no tagging plan required

  • Extend data collection and build your custom dashboards to visualize any metrics you need


They trust us

Clients Jahia Personnalisation.svg


Fitting perfectly in your stack!
  • Benefit from our Stackconnect, with more than 400 no-code connectors, all to industry-leading technologies

  • Plug your CRM (MS dynamic, Salesforce and others) or your Marketing Automation Platform (Marketo, Hubspot and many more) to push or pull data in real time

  • Ensure that your personalization and data management leverages all the potential of all your data silos

Learn more about integrations

Unified profiles

Jahia takes the complexity out of data collection and management. Link all of your disparate data silos together with our CDP, to build a 360 view of your customers.

  • Dedicated user profile analytics 360 view

  • Easily review every visitor interactions (clicks, page views, form submissions)

  • Profile consolidation across sessions, from guests to authenticated experiences

Segmentation / Scoring

Break down your audience efficiently
  • Rich segments and scoring plans, combining behavioral, contextual, declarative, socio-demographic and integrations data

  • Real time segment update

  • Leverage scoring plans to define affinities between visitors and offers, to display best matching content


Maintain Trust

With Built-in Consent Management

From GDPR to CCPA and beyond, Jahia DXP is designed to help you stay compliant with the latest in data privacy laws.

These capabilities extend out to all of the Jahia platform, including forms, social logins, and more.

Learn more about privacy & compliance

Discover the power of simpler

Go hands-on with the most flexible DXP technology on the market.

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