Jahia Customers

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Our Customers are Jahiants

From financial services to retail, travel & hospitality to education, Jahia's customer base is as wide and diverse as Jahia itself. Read how companies from various industries and countries became "Jahiants!"

Ja-iant / jiant / noun
1. Organization embracing digital evolution with Jahia
- unifies legacy and new tech in their own DX stack
- iterates amazing digital experiences
- wins against the competition, every time
“That Jahiant has really taken over the market.”

Ben & Jerry's

A Jahia customer since 2011, Ben & Jerry's continues to evolve its digital experience stack using Jahia's industry-leading DXP.

Since first becoming a customer, Jahia has helped Ben & Jerry's launch new websites quickly, maintain ever-changing content, and support evolving digital marketing priorities.

Learn how Jahia helps them stay at the forefront of digital innovation

Read the Case Study

European Parliament

The European Parliament is a long-standing customer of Jahia, dating back to 2004.

Since the relationship began, Jahia has helped Parliament streamline their servers, evolve processes, and deliver personalized, more cohesive digital experiences. 

Learn how Jahia assisted their digital transformation

Read the Case Study

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