Web portals for tech

Discover how Jahia can transform the management of your web portals (customer portal, partner portal, employee portal) with tailor-made solutions designed to meet the complex needs of tech companies.

  • Centralized management of all your web portals and websites
  • Advanced personalization of interfaces for unique browsing experiences
  • Enhanced security (SSO login, 2FA, granular permission management...)
  • Simple and fast integrations with over 1000 tools
Icon of an ID for the authentification on a web portal

Technology companies face a high bar when it comes to providing digital services. Whether it’s a customer portal, partner interface, or a virtual employee workplace — users expect a top quality, engaging experience.

Jahia offers a robust digital experience platform for your team to efficiently build, integrate and manage web portals. Designed for scale, Jahia enables brand-consistent, personalized experiences by pulling data from across your technology stack — increasing the digital agility of your workforce and providing a consistent service for your customer & partner networks.

Key features

Authentification & SSO

Ensure a seamless user experience with single sign-on authentication.

Federated Search

Enable your users to quickly find what they need with aggregated search across all data sources.

Content Aggregation

Centralize all important data and content for your users in a single interface.

Dynamic Personalization

Adapt content and services in real-time based on user preferences and behaviors.

Web portals use cases

Web portal applications in short

  • HR intranet
  • Employee resource portal
  • Customer self-service portal
  • Integration engine

Meeting the Needs of Your Different Teams

The web portal plays a central role in digital strategies, but this role differs depending on the functions it serves.

  • Marketers can rely on an extranet to boost prospect engagement and optimize conversion rates;
  • Sales teams can rely on a high-performance web portal to help respond to partner and customer requests;
  • IT departments can use an intranet to host their latest strategic projects and various resources.

And a web portal supported by a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) can go even further in web portal use cases by adding a dimension of personalization. 

More about Jahia DXP

Employee Web Portal for Sharing Resources

A virtual space for employees can enhance cohesion, especially for teams spread across the globe. Whether it's a centralized HR services portal or dashboards for sales teams, a coordinated and collaborative approach to workflows and resources can increase team productivity.

DXPs provide a solution to unify disparate systems to deliver a consistent user experience. Jahia offers tools that simplify the integration of third-party application frameworks or processes, with the scalability needed to deploy the solution across all company departments, including finance, human resources, marketing, and customer support. A single, easy-to-administer solution also ensures uniform presentation and usability.

Jahia allows you to tailor the experience for each employee by displaying only the information and processes relevant to their role and offering practical benefits such as pre-filled forms.

All the questions you need to ask to make the right choice of web portal

Create Omni-Channel Experiences

New digital channels are cropping up faster than ever — each offering an opportunity to engage with customers and leads.

Maybe a customer community has formed on X, or there's a big push internally to be able to access the employee portal via voice search. A DXP empowers you to break into new channels faster. A connected and flexible tech stack means you can be there, on brand, no matter the channel.

Jahia DXP makes it simple to embed third party applications, web services and data points. Our solution has an open GraphQL API, which means that no matter the application delivery framework for your web portal — IoT, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Voice Search — the content and services delivered by Jahia will be readily accessible.

More about omni-channel delivery

The integration and ease of use has been great. Really easy to do. And we've done a lot of integrations.

– Jessen Wehrwein, VP of Corporate Communications, MACOM

Jahia web portals meet the needs of tech companies

easily manage software customer portal content

Create, Manange, Engage

Create custom content types or use one of our nearly two hundred out-of-box modules to scale rapidly. Manage it all with our enterprise-grade Digital Asset Manager (DAM) and deploy across your portals, intranets, websites and apps to engage with your stakeholders on the digital channels relevant to them.

personalize customer portal experiences

Content + Data

Content is key, but it's only half of the equation. Leverage our embedded experience manager to get the most out of your content — with personalizations, score plans and segmentations driven by user profiles that capture behavioral, geo-location and session data.

easy-to-manage tech portal

IT and Business in Perfect Harmony

Digital experiences developed on Jahia are centralized on a single secure instance, providing great flexibility for both IT and business users. IT has the freedom of a modular architecture and the ability to easily authenticate the login process, while business users maintain full control over content creation and management in WYSIWYG.

Thanks to StackConnect, our no-code integration platform, non-technical users such as marketing and sales teams can autonomously connect to over 1000 of the most popular business applications.

searchable tech portals

Highly Searchable

Jahia's search capabilities are cutting-edge, built using the GraphQL and ElasticSearch frameworks. No matter if it's a rep looking for the latest sales play or a partner looking for a specific support ticket, Jahia will surface them with our Augmented Search function.

Let's talk.

Get in touch to learn more about how Jahia can deliver engaging and easy-to-manage tech portals.
  • Combine content and customer data so you're always delivering relevant experiences based on up-to-date customer insights.

  • With Jahia's hybrid DX platform, push your content across any channel quickly, easily, and without IT support.

  • Easily build on top of your existing technology and grow at your own pace. With Jahia, you'll always have the tools to seamlessly evolve your digital strategy.

  • With over 400 out-of-the-box connectors, all to best-in-class business applications, Jahia is built to help your business thrive.

Jahia DXP for tech portals

Jahia for Tech

Tech companies are expected to reflect the gold standard of digital experiences. This is easier said than done — no matter the industry, scaling an enterprise to meet the needs of external and internal stakeholders across a variety of business lines is a challenging prospect.

DXPs look to alleviate the difficulties associated with integrating disparate systems. They aim to consolidate processes and information repositories onto a single platform; one which, with a combined content & data strategy, caters to the broad spectrum of diverse end users in the B2B technology space.