End the Legacy


Whether you're on a neglected legacy platform or just outgrown your current system, let's see if Jahia can make life a little better.


Jahia is the full flexibility DXP.  Portal, Traditional CMS, Headless CMS, DXP, CDP, Optimization, Personalization. 


Let's be honest, re-platforming is painful.  But it may be time to rip off the band-aid.  

Depending on your project type, Jahia may be able to help you upgrade and re-platform for less than your current software cost.  Also, wouldn't you love to go Cloud already. 

IT gets a better platform to develop on and manage. Marketing/Business gets an easier to use system that improves conversion and the end user experience.

See how Jahia can help you with:

  • Portal and application aggregation: Jahia efficiently integrates disparate systems to help deliver a unified experience.  
  • Digital Experience Platform: Jahia ships with a built in Customer Data Platform. Within the same dashboard, handle personalization, geo-targeting, segmentation, implicit personalization, explicit personalization, and much more
  • Optimization:  Easily run A/B Testing campaigns and improve conversion
  • StackConnect: Leverage our workflow tool to easily integrate without over 400 major platforms.  Learn more here (link)
  • Headless Content Management System: take advantage of all those great front end frameworks with our headless CMS.  Don't worry, we're actually an easy to use Headless so non IT teams can manage their own content
  • Traditional Content Management System:  Headless is great, but you still need a place to handle microsites and probably your main website.  No need to get a separate platform
  • Customer Data Platform: Yep, we do that too.  Get that much coveted Customer 360, without having to get a separate platform.
  • Why yes, we do offer Cloud. Or go old school and be on premises.  Either way, we have you covered.
  • Cotton Candy and Popcorn - we don't do either of these.  We were just curious if anyone makes it this far. 

Let's have a chat

Scout's honor and pinky swear. You won't be added to any email lists and no junior sales rep will blow up your phone.  Have a call with a CMS veteran, and chat frankly about your project.

Book a 15 minute Zoom call directly here or fill out the form below.

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