How Do You Know It’s Time For Digital Transformation?

CMOs + CIOs — if they can overcome their differences, the duo is an unstoppable force of digital transformation Learn more

It’s a tale that’s becoming all-too-familiar. You’re staring down the barrel of a dwindling Sales pipeline, with prospects that are unengaged with your content, unwilling to talk to your team members, and incapable of building any sort of attachment to your brand. What can you do to reinvigorate your brand?

Yup. You guessed it. “Digital Transformation.” You just won Buzzword Bingo!

What Is Digital Transformation?

“Digital Transformation” is a common enough phrase that no one thinks to question it. Yet at the same time, few people truly understand what it means.

Digital transformation, in a nutshell, means adopting technology that inherently changes the way you do business. You’re not simply looking at ways to improve on what you already do or make it more efficient – you’re leaving your old ways behind and focusing on truly innovative and groundbreaking changes.

It’s exciting! 

Also stressful! 

…And a bit risky! 

Digital transformation can take a lot of different shapes and sizes. To some organizations, digital transformation is bringing their previously brick-and-mortar business online, complete with a website and an e-commerce store, as many organizations have had to do in light of COVID-19. For others, it can be a drastic change in the way they capture leads and manage opportunities.

Or as I mentioned at the start, an organization can have all the “right” systems together (the website, CRM, tools galore), but they are still incapable of delivering an experience worthy of their customers’ time and attention. In this case, the solution is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP).

Digital transformation isn’t a bandage or a quick fix. It takes time, money, people, and a whole lot of will. If an organization is not 100% on-board with fundamentally shifting their business, a great idea will soon become a mess of “what-ifs” and expensive, unused software. 

Do You Need To Digitally “Transform?”

Deciding whether you need to truly transform your business isn’t a simple yes-or-no question. There are a lot of things to consider when making the choice – budgets, talent, existing technologies, timelines.

However, the easiest way to really make the decision is to take an honest look at your organization. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Where is my industry right now?
  • Where is the industry headed in the next year? Five years? Ten years?
  • What does my organization’s roadmap look like?
  • Do we have the capabilities in place to effectively compete in the market now? 
  • What about in the future?

The most successful digital transformations are driven by a mixture of ambition, need, and fear. You and your organization need to have the ambition to want to fundamentally change the direction of how your organization does business for years to come, to understand the benefits that it will bring your organization in light of real market needs that you are facing, and a clear understanding and fear of what might come to pass if your digital transformation is unsuccessful.

An example we often use when talking about digital transformation relates to how our customers use DXPs. These days, people expect a personal relationship with brands they buy from. And as the market has shifted more online, these personalized experiences need to be delivered online. Companies need DXPs to leverage data their customers provide to deliver individualized experiences to every single customer and prospect they engage with. 

DXPs are no longer nice-to-have platforms – they are a requirement in order to effectively build pipeline and connect with prospects and customers. 

Transform With Us

Jahia is the creator of the world’s only true DXP and has been a pioneer of digital transformation for over 18 years. We can help you along on your digital transformation journey, no matter where you are in the process.

Request a demo with a Jahia expert. 

Kaeli O'Connell
Kaeli O'Connell

Digital expert by day, jigsaw puzzle aficionado by night.
